Sebastian Gebski

Sebastian Gebski

Geek, agilista, blogger, codefella, serial reader. In the daylight - I navigate & lead software engineering. #lean #design #aws #elixir #analytics. I speak here for myself only.

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My time-travel banking experiment, part II

Last week I introduced [] you to Inteligo (online banking experience straight from 2001) and presented its brief story (... of permanent stagnation). Now we can smoothly transition into comparing it with "modern banking customer experience" (the one you know from any bank you'...

How to sink a product/platform business?

How can one recognize whether a product company has a chance to be truly successful, or well, it's doomed for a somewhat vegetative existence? If I had the decent answer to that problem, I'd probably be crazy rich already - so the fact is: I don&...

Keyboardio Atreus: yeah or meh? (review)

I've bought another mechanical keyboard (technically - I've backed the Kickstarter campaign []). Feel free to call me an addict - I don't mind. It's my 4th and all three that I already have work well...

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