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Not-a-review (of year 2024)

It's not that I hate year reviews, but let's be honest - a stereotypical year summary is very "me"-centric, so why bore you folks with scribblings that are mainly relevant to myself only? That would be selfish and egotistical, don't you...

"Startupowcy" - krótka (?) recenzja książki

Disclaimer 1: As an exception, this article (book review) will be published only in Polish. Why so? The book in question is (AFAIK) only available in Polish, it also focuses on local (Polish) market specifics - there's little point in pretending that many non-Polish speakers will be interested....

"Start-up i venture capital". Recenzja

Disclaimer #1: Typically I publish my book reviews on Goodreads, but quite recently they've totally screwed up the procedure for adding new books, so my request is enqueued w/o reply for over a week now. That's why I decided to post the review here. Disclaimer...

My reading summary for 2019 (with recommendations)

Just like in the previous years (... , 2018 [], 2017 [], ...), I'd like to re-visit what I've read within the last 12 months & pick the most valuable gems I could recommend to you without blenching. In general I...

Non-fiction books: a waste of time? o_O

> This short article is all about: the end of non-fiction books (?!), how to extract (& preserve) KNOWLEDGE out of raw information, what kind of tools can be used to support this process, why it requires more effort than just understanding the written words. Few days ago someone has linked...

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