Sebastian Gebski

Sebastian Gebski

Geek, agilista, blogger, codefella, serial reader. In the daylight - I navigate & lead software engineering. #lean #design #aws #elixir #analytics. I speak here for myself only.

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reMarkable 2: my subjective review

I am a notorious note-taker. Over the years, I've learned not to rely solely on my (or anyone else's) memory but to create well structured, concise, and adequately labeled notes for future use. It's not only required to preserve the knowledge, but it helps...

What I've learned about career development (*) (**)

(*) in software development (**) during almost 20 years of professional journey -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Career development ain't easy. There's no single path - equally right for everyone. It's highly contextual, dependent on individual strengths, advantages ... and aspirations. And of course, there's the luck factor -...

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