Sebastian Gebski

Sebastian Gebski

Geek, agilista, blogger, codefella, serial reader. In the daylight - I navigate & lead software engineering. #lean #design #aws #elixir #analytics. I speak here for myself only.

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A year in a nutshell: not-a-summary

Frankly, I'm not up for any lengthy summaries. I publish many observations as my regular blog posts, and we had a recent "summary" episode of CTO Morning Coffee on Twitter Spaces recently. Neither I'm going to list personal accomplishments, goals ticked off and such...

Two years with COVID-19. I don't know where we stand.

The year 2021 is almost done, which means that our new closest friend - COVID-19 [] - has already been with us for more than 2 years. One year ago, our situation was quite different [] - we (at least many...

How much 'decentralized' is enough?

Web3 is a hot topic these days. No, I do not mean Web 3.0 [] (so-called "The Semantic Web"), but Web3 [] - the (somehow vague) idea of building the next stage of the Internet upon...

My (personal) summary of re:Invent 2021 announcements

Disclaimer: I am an AWS employee, but these are my private opinions. Based on my own perspective on the cloud landscape, competitive context, and what I find most valuable/interesting in the cloud services portfolios. re:Invent 2021 [] is history. But no worries, we&...

A letter to my daughter

Disclaimer: This post will be somewhat "philosophical". Don't expect anything about technology, engineering, leadership, cloud, or even behavioral psychology. What is it about then? My initial thought (when it was still an idea, not yet put on paper) that depicts it quite nicely was "a...

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