Sebastian Gebski

Sebastian Gebski

Geek, agilista, blogger, codefella, serial reader. In the daylight - I navigate & lead software engineering. #lean #design #aws #elixir #analytics. I speak here for myself only.

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One thing that disturbs me in Web APIs

Disclaimer: this post wasn't planned at all, but the concept kept bothering me, so I couldn't resist turning it (spontaneously) into a blog post ... Let's consider Web APIs, for a minute. For a reason, as they are still the foundation of the Internet as...

My highly opinionated summary of 2022

It's January, the month of summaries. I don't mind resisting the pack instinct, but 2022 was so fruitful that proper aftermath may actually be a reasonable idea. So buckle up, and let's have it done in style. Stuff to read I read a healthy...

Are cloud providers evolving just like banks did?

Disclaimer: ALL the opinions presented in this article are my private ones. They should not be associated with any of my employers: neither current nor past ones. The strategic directions I identify/refer to in this article are based solely on 100% PUBLIC information - I am not leaking any...

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