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"Startupowcy" - krótka (?) recenzja książki

Disclaimer 1: As an exception, this article (book review) will be published only in Polish. Why so? The book in question is (AFAIK) only available in Polish, it also focuses on local (Polish) market specifics - there's little point in pretending that many non-Polish speakers will be interested....

"Start-up i venture capital". Recenzja

Disclaimer #1: Typically I publish my book reviews on Goodreads, but quite recently they've totally screwed up the procedure for adding new books, so my request is enqueued w/o reply for over a week now. That's why I decided to post the review here. Disclaimer...

Minimum Mimetic Product (MMP)

I consider myself a "product person". Counseling, consulting, and other types of mercenary work are cool short-term, but I'm not going to fool myself. In the end, I want to build (organically) something persistent and lasting that will stand out in comparison with the competition and...

(My) IT Landscape Maturity Model

Working with various companies across geographies is a great privilege - and an excellent opportunity to observe their differences and similarities. I was and currently am in such a fortunate position. IMHO the markets do differ a lot, but these are not permanent differences (e.g., deeply rooted in cultural/...

The role like no other: startup CTO

Disclaimer: It's another post I haven't planned. It was inspired by various discussions and situations I've encountered within the last few months. I have the pleasure and privilege to work with many startups representing different industries, countries of origin, sizes, and levels of organizational...

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