software development63

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The commits of death: keyboards in blood

Software is similar to exactly nothing we had in this world until it has emerged. Ephemeral, not physical but with constantly growing physical indirect effects on our world. Software development has started as a small, isolated industry (focused on actual computing) but now it's powering up almost every...

Building dev muscle memory with Code Kata

Programming is not an art. Programming is not a discipline of science either. It's a craft - very special kind of craft: * it requires imagination & creativity somehow similar to what art requires * it has very strong scientific foundations, especially in terms of various areas of mathematics * but...

The importance of actually building stuff

Jurgen Appelo did it again - he has kinda shot 140 char Twitter cannon in a way that has nail'd the point completely: > You're a Thought Leader? Who cares?! Better aim to become an Action Leader. — Jurgen Appelo (@jurgenappelo) June 9, 2015 [

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