Sebastian Gebski

Sebastian Gebski

Geek, agilista, blogger, codefella, serial reader. In the daylight - I navigate & lead software engineering. #lean #design #aws #elixir #analytics. I speak here for myself only.

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What I use for live-demoing/live-coding (on macOS)

I'm not a slide-deck person. Yes, sometimes visuals are essential (still - in such cases, I prefer infinite whiteboards like Miro), but nothing beats presenting tech concepts/tools in action. Unfortunately, live-coding/live-demoing is very challenging because of the obvious reasons: * adjustment of the level of detail * getting...

"Start-up i venture capital". Recenzja

Disclaimer #1: Typically I publish my book reviews on Goodreads, but quite recently they've totally screwed up the procedure for adding new books, so my request is enqueued w/o reply for over a week now. That's why I decided to post the review here. Disclaimer...

Creative diarrhea ain't no leadership

We, human beings, have that incredible ability to exploit, exaggerate and travesty every (originally) valuable idea we encounter. That is not necessarily because of some malice - we tend to focus on meaningless (yet visible) details instead of intentions and the purpose behind (the aforementioned idea). Oh well. One concept...

Minimum Mimetic Product (MMP)

I consider myself a "product person". Counseling, consulting, and other types of mercenary work are cool short-term, but I'm not going to fool myself. In the end, I want to build (organically) something persistent and lasting that will stand out in comparison with the competition and...

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